Welcome to the Contobox Engagement Management Platform
This is where you can share campaign details and assets (if applicable) with Contobox to review. Depending on your needs, your Experience Management (XM) team will either create impactful mockups for an RFP or kick-off the campaign workflow process.
Your dashboard gives you a glimpse into the status of your campaigns and brands, while also linking you to more information and actions. You can select the ‘create a campaign’ button at the top right of the screen to start a new campaign and get more information about existing campaigns by selecting the feed or details buttons in the featured campaign section. You can access all of your campaigns, brands, the marketplace and reports from the tabs at the top of the screen. The dashboard is a good place to go if you just want to get a quick impression of the state of your campaigns, a bit like the notification screen on your phone.
Featured campaigns:
For a quick check-in on your campaigns, this section of the dashboard displays the status of your engagement campaign (drafting, planning, designing, building, completed) and whether your campaign is active or pending approval.
Featured Brands:
This section details how many campaigns are live, in progress/creation and completed for specific brands.